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Help with T2K web site

The T2K Canada website is built with plone allowing registered users to add or modify content directly through their web browser. This page gives some pointers to new users of plone.

In order to view or add content on this site, you need to register . After your account has been created, you can log into the site and view and add content to selected areas. Note: You will be unable to log in if you have disabled cookies in your web browser.

From many areas on the web site, you can add web pages (called pages), event notifications, news items, any sort of file, subfolders, images, you name it. The user interface is fairly intuitive.

"Pages" are a convenient way to present materials in an organized way. When you create or edit a "Page", a nice html editor is provided. (You need to set the option in your preferences to turn on the Kupu editor). Like any web site, the default view of a directory is a list of the contents of that directory. If you want the default view to be a web page, then name the document, index_html.

A number of folders have been set up on the T2K web site in order to organize content of interest to our group as a whole. If you are unable to add content to a particular area, contact me

As an example of usage, you can post a file for one of the weekly meetings by following the links to the meeting in question, then upload your file, by clicking on "add a new item". Choose file, type in a title and short description, and click on browse to find it on your local computer. Click save to upload the file.

Likewise, useful information for the various projects can be collected in the folders that have been set up and are linked from the T2K home page. If you wish to manage the web content for one of the projects, contact me

Mailing lists are provided by mailman. You subscribe to the mailing lists by clicking on your name (upper right) then select mailing list preferences.

Content anywhere on the T2K-Canada website can be searched using the tool in the upper right. You may find this web site a useful place to keep personal notes on your work as it is accessible from any computer on the net.

For more help with plone, you can visit their website or contact me

« January 2025 »